Rabu, 01 Juli 2015

The Time We Were Not In Love: The Love of One Eyed Fish (Buku Puisinya Choi Won)

Dalam drama The Time We Were Not In Love, Choi Won (Lee Jin Wook) tiba-tiba berubah bersikap dramatis setelah menemukan sebuah buku puisi berjudul The Love of One Eyed Fish karya Ryu Shi Hwa. Adegan ini sebenernya membuatku kurang menyukai karakter Won, ada apa dengan dirinya hingga bersikap begitu dramatis hanya karena menemukan sebuah buku. Meluapkan kemarahannya dengan bermain basket, lalu mengatakan kata-kata kejam pada Hana.

Hingga aku membaca puisi itu dan beberapa intrepertasi tentang puisi tersebut di beberapa blog. Akhirnya aku mencoba memahami kepribadian Won. Ada rahasia dalam buku puisi itu, entahkah itu karena Won yang terlalu melankolis, ataukan buku puisi itu mengingatkannya pada apa yang menimpa dirinya di usia 17 tahun.

Berikut ini terjemahan bahasa inggris dari puisi tersebut:

One Eyed Fish’s Love [ By Ryu Shi Hwa ]

I want to live like a one-eyed fish.
I want to love like a one-eyed fish.
A one-eyed fish, Bi-Mok,
that had been attached to each other for its whole life
to live like a two-eyed fish.
I want to love like them.

We had sufficient time. But,
We just didn’t love each other enough for the time.
I want to live the way a one-eyed fish lives.
When it’s alone,
the aloneness becomes noticeable.
The one-eyed fish, Bi-Mok.
I want to love like them
for the sake of my life.

Menurut intrepertasi beberapa bloger pengamat sastra puisi tersebut menggambarkan kehidupan dua ikan mata satu yang memilih menempel satu sama lain dan berenang bersama agar terlihat seperti ikan normal lainnya yang memiliki dua mata. Ini adalah puisi tentang persahabatan yang berlangsung sangat lama dalam kehidupan.

A one-eyed fish, Bi-Mok,
that had been attached to each other for its whole life
to live like a two-eyed fish.
I want to love like them.

Puisi ini mencoba mengatakan bahwa cinta yang saling membutuhkan untuk menjadi the real one adalah cinta sejati yang harus dicari. 

We had sufficient time. But,
We just didn’t love enough each other for the time.

Bagian ini adalah yang paling indah dalam puisi tersebut."Kita memiliki waktu yang cukup, Tapi... Kita hanya tidak cukup saling mencintai untuk saat ini" Hal tersebut menimbulkan sebuah pertanyaan tentang prilaku seseorang terhadap orang yang dicintainya dalam hidup. Bagian puisi tersebut menjelaskan mengapa kita tidak bisa hidup seperti ikan mata satu. Puisi tersebut mencoba menunjukkan kebanyakan orang yang melakukan berbagai kepalsuan untuk berkomitmen dengan seseorang.

Itu adalah sisi Egoisme dari manusia yang hanya membuat mereka semakin jauh dari orang yang dicintainya. Mereka terlalu takut untuk menunjukkan diri mereka yang sebenarnya. Sehingga mereka akan memainkan emosinya untuk melindungi diri sendiri dengan mengamati terlebih dahulu bagaimana orang tersebut bereaksi pada kelakuannya. Hasilnya adalah, Mereka tidak bisa bersikap tulus seperti yang dilakukan oleh ikan mata satu dalam puisi tersebut.
Saat membaca kalimat ini, aku langsung berpikir, apakah Won berpikir Hana tidak akan menunjukkan dirinya yang sebenarnya jika seandainya Won mengakui perasaannya? Ataukah dia yang takut tidak bisa melakukan segala sesuatunya dengan tulus untuk Hana? Saat mereka akan pergi ke kencan buta, bahkan mereka saling berbohong satu sama lain, jika mereka telah jadi sahabat baik saat itu, akan kah mereka masih saling berbohong. Won sepertinya tidak ingin membuat hubungannya dengan Hana penuh kepalsuan, karena itulah dia lebih memilih menjadi sahabatnya untuk membuat Hana merasa saat bersamanya. 
 I want to live the way a one-eyed fish lives.
When it’s alone, the aloneness becomes noticeable.
Saat sendiri, kesendirian itu menjadi nyata. Entah kenapa aku merasa bagian inilah yang mempengaruhi perasaan Won untuk Hana. Dia seolah tidak ingin membuat Hana sendirian, itulah mengapa dia memutuskan untuk menjadi sahabatnya dan bersikeras mengatakan padanya untuk tidak akan pernah mencintai Hana.

Tapi tentu saja, pasti ada sebab lainnya mengapa dia mengatakan kalimat kejam itu pada Hana. Alasan yang masih menjadi misteri, dan bisa jadi ada hubungannya dengan Na Young ataupun Masalah ibunya yang menikah lagi dan tinggal bersama adik Won dan suami barunya di Kanada.

Aku yakin  Buku Puisi itu adalah sesuatu yang penting dalam drama ini, karena terus muncul di episode 1 dan 2. Apalagi ekspresi Won saat melihat buku itu, baik sekarang maupun 17 tahun lalu selalu sama. Sedih dan terluka. Aku berharap akan ada penjelasan yang mengharukan dari buku puisi tersebut, bukan hanya sekedar simbol dari rasa ketakutan Won untuk berkomitmen dengan Hana.
*posted by irfa at cakrawala-senja-1314.blogspot.com*

5 komentar:

  1. thanks for sharing these infos..i was also so curious about that book ^^

    1. terima kasih eonni udah mau menjelaskan secara rinci tentang buku ini😃
      dari awal buku ini muncul dan berhasil merubah mood nya wonna, aku udah penasaran bgt sebenernya buku apa itu dan ada apa tentang buku ini. syukurlah rasa penasarannku sedikit berkurang setelah baca ini. tetap semangat yah eonn update sinopsis nya soalnya walaupun udah nonton drama nya tapi klo belum baca sinopsis nya itu kurang klop 😁 ㅋㅋㅋ
      komentar eonni di setiap sinopsis juga aku suka semacam jadi nambah ilmu . oh ya eonn ijin copas boleh kan? tapi aku sertain kok link blog ini.

      maaf kalo komennya kepanjangan.. ☺

  2. I can't understand anything,,,there's no one who can translate it in english? o ,o

    1. In the drama The Time We Were Not In Love, Choi Won (Lee Jin Wook) suddenly be a dramatic change after finding a book of poems titled The Love of One Eyed Fish Ryu Shi-Hwa works. This scene actually made me less like characters Won, what's with him to be so dramatic only because find a book. Vent anger by playing basketball, then say the words cruel to Hana.

      Until I read the poem and some intrepertasi about the poems in several blogs. Finally I tried to understand the personality of Won. There are no secrets in the book of the poem, the minor matter because Won was too melancholy, or whether it's a book of poetry reminds him of what happened to him at the age of 17 years.

      The following is the English translation of the poem:

      One Eyed Fish's Love [By Ryu Shi-Hwa ] I want to live like a one-eyed fish. I want to love like a one-eyed fish. A one-eyed fish, Bi-Mok, that had been attached to each other for its whole life to live like a two-eyed fish. I want to love like them. We had sufficient time. But, We just did not love each other enough for the time. I want to live the way a one-eyed fish lives. When it's alone, the aloneness Becomes noticeable. The one-eyed fish, Bi-Mok. I want to love like them for the sake of my life.

      According to some bloggers observers intrepertasi literary poem depicts the lives of two fish eyes of one who chose to stick to one another and swam together to make it look more like a normal fish have two eyes. It is a poem about friendship that lasts a very long time in the life.

      A one-eyed fish, Bi-Mok,
      that had been attached to each other for its whole life
      to live like a two-eyed fish.
      I want to love like them.

      The poem is trying to say that love need each other to be the real one is to look for true love.

      We had sufficient time. But,
      We just did not love each other enough for the time.

      This section is the most beautiful in the poem. "We have enough time, but ... we just do not love each other enough for today" This raises a question about the person's behavior towards his loved ones in life. The poetry section explains why we can not live like a fish eye. The poem is trying to show most people who do a variety of artificiality to commit to someone.

      It is the selfishness of man that just makes them even further away from his loved ones. They are too afraid to show their true self. So that they will play their emotions to protect themselves by observing the advance how people react to his behavior. The result is, they could not be genuine as that of a fish eye in the poem.

      While reading this sentence, I immediately thought, if Won thought Hannah would not show him the truth if ever Won confess her feelings? Or is he who is afraid can not do everything with sincerity to Hana? When they would go to a blind date, even they are lying to each other, if they have become good friends then, are they still going to lie to each other. Won did not seem to want to make do with Hana bogus, that's why he prefers become companions to make Hannah feel his presence.
      I want to live the way a one-eyed fish lives.
      When it's alone, the aloneness Becomes noticeable.
      When alone, loneliness it becomes real. Somehow I feel this is the part that affects the feeling Won to Hana. He seemed to not want to make Hana alone, that's why he decided to become his friend and insisted on telling him to never love Hana.

      But of course, there must be other reasons why he says it's cruel sentence in Hana. The reason is still a mystery, and it could be something to do with the issue or Na Young mother remarried and lives with sister Won and her new husband in Canada.

      I believe Poetry Book that is something important in this drama, as it continues to appear in episodes 1 and 2. Moreover Won expression when he saw the book, both now and 17 years ago is always the same. Sad and hurt. I hope there will be a touching explanation of the poetry book, not just a symbol of fear Won to commit to Hana.

  3. gomawoyo irfa ..


Terimakasih sudah berkomentar^^ komentar kalian akan selalu menambah semangat menulisku^^